教科书 & 课程材料




  • The 博天堂官方 bookstore sells and rents new and 使用 materials, including textbooks, workbooks, 和包.
  • Some programs require students to purchase all books as a bundle at the beginning of the program; the bookstore sells these, too. bundle符合“low”的定义 “成本”,当它的价格低于40美元时.
  • If you don’t have a print copy of your textbook, or simply don’t have it on campus when you need it, check at the 图书馆 Circulation Desk to see if it’s on reserve. You can check reserve books out for free for two hours or three days, depending on 可用性.
  • The Center for 可访问性 Resources (CFAR) has a free textbook lending library. 如果可以的话,你可以在整个学期借阅一本书. 访问位于Red Cedar的CFAR 大厅,房间105,或电子邮件,检查文本的可用性.
逛书店 | 参观图书馆

供应 & 硬件

  • 课程用品可能包括美术课的画笔或纸.
  • 硬件 might include the required purchase of a laptop, clicker, or specific type 一门课程的计算器.
  • Some of these materials may be available for free or low cost (see below).
  • 图书馆提供一到三天的免费笔记本借阅服务.
  • Some programs may require you to purchase equipment at the beginning of the program; these items are not reported to the bookstore and will not show up in a search for 免费或低成本材料.
逛书店 | 参观图书馆


  • OER are free textbooks and other materials that both you and 你的老师s can 自定义,在任何地方共享,并无限期保留.
  • Sometimes you can purchase a low-cost print copy of an OER at the 校园商店; you 也可以自己打印吗.
  • MyOpenMath is a free/open math platform for your e-textbook and online homework. If 你的老师 uses MyOpenMath, they'll give you a code to join the class.
  • 需要帮助? You can get support for MyOpenMath from 你的老师 or the Math Desk 在学习中心.
  • In some courses, you may have to purchase a lab manual or homework access code in OER的附加内容.


  • Ebooks for some courses are available free online through the 博天堂官方 图书馆. 你会 see info about this option in your syllabus, the 校园商店 system and/or flyers 在校园商店.
  • You will need your 博天堂官方 ID number and year of birth to access the ebook.
  • If you need help accessing or using the features in the ebook, visit the Reference 图书馆服务台或致电(541)917-4645.


  • DDA refers to digital course materials offered directly through Moodle or another 学习平台.
  • Sometimes you can purchase a print copy of DDA materials for a low 价格, but only 如果你继续参加DDA.
  • DDA costs are charged at registration, meaning you can't purchase these materials 使用. However, because publishers know that all students are paying the fee, the cost 通常比新课本的费用低吗.
  • You will be billed automatically for DDA unless you opt out or drop the class by the 添加/删除的最后期限. 如果你选择退出,你可能无法完成在线作业 这是DDA包附带的. 在选择退出之前和你的教练谈谈.
  • 您可以找到免费或低价的DDA材料(见下文)。.


  • Many courses at 博天堂官方 have readings, assignments, and other content in the Moodle platform.
  • If you have any trouble accessing Moodle, contact 你的老师 or the Student Help 图书馆服务台(541-917-4630).


  • Some instructors use 平台 other than Moodle, such as Pearson’s MyMathLab, McGraw-Hill, 谷歌教室,画布,或Cengage无限.
  • If you need help with these 平台, contact 你的老师 or the company directly. The Student Help Desk and Learning Center staff will try to provide support for any problems you run into, but they don’t have administrator access or training on these 平台.
  • 其中一些平台是免费的. 其他的通常需要你购买一个访问码 校园商店有售.
  • Online access codes may also be required for other materials, such as textbooks, supplemental materials, tutorials, or online test-taking software; e.g. 亚历克斯和小树苗.
  • 您可以找到免费或低价的访问码(见下文)。.
  • If your math course requires ALEKS, you can purchase a code for 这个词 or the year 在校园商店.
  • 需要帮助与ALEKS? 试试数学咖啡馆,或者学习中心的数学桌.



In the Student 时间表r Tool, you can filter your search results for courses that 有零成本或低成本的材料吗. 但是,请注意,这些信息是收集的 prior to registration, so not all courses with low-cost and zero-cost course materials are labeled, so your search results might not include all the options that are available 给你. 要了解更多细节,请查看这些 免费和廉价教科书常见问题解答.





  • Shop online at the bookstore website or come in person to select your textbooks for 这个词.
  • 那就来书店结账吧. 当你在收银台的时候,收银员 will tell you which books are available for rent and at what pricing, so you can choose 是买书还是租书.
  • If you choose to rent, you'll be asked for your contact information, as well as your 借记卡或信用卡信息,以确保租金.
  • At the end of 这个词, return the book to the bookstore during finals week.

你现在为什么需要信用卡或借记卡? 我拿起书时要收费吗??

与租用教科书有关的唯一收费是租赁费. 你的卡 除非书被退回,否则不收取任何额外费用. 我们要求 you to use a credit or debit card to ensure that the textbook is returned.



  • 你可以得到有竞争力的价格. 上网不一定能给你更好的 价格.
  • You are assured of getting the correct book based on the order received directly from 你的老师.
  • 你不必等待书被运送给你.
  • You don't have to pay for shipping, either to receive or return the book.
  • 你会得到很好的客户服务.


If the book is not returned, your credit card will be charged for the 使用 retail 书的价格,加上25美元的罚款,如果适用的话.

What if I decide I want to keep the book and use it for future reference?

You should inform the bookstore as soon as possible so we can try to find a workable 解决方案.


Rental 可用性 is based on the market value and national demand for the title. 并不是所有的书都符合这个标准.


You can bring it back to any 博天堂官方 bookstore location, but we prefer you return it 去你租车的地方.

What if I drop out of a class, or I realize I don't need the book once the course 开始?

Our textbook 租赁 program follows the same return policy as purchasing a textbook. You have until Friday of the first week of class, in most situations, to return your 租赁.





If you’re a student with ideas about how to make course materials more accessible or affordable, if you have questions, or if you want to get involved with textbook affordability efforts please contact the Textbook Affordability Steering Committee 通过 Dionna营 or 福勒斯特。约翰逊.